
Where can I find Rosetta Stone Spanish (Latin America) Levels 1, 2, and 3?

by  |  earlier

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I want to find the program to Download online for free. If anyone know's of a site please help me.




  1. try your local library

  2. Well, NYC BOY thats called illegal and illegal means that its aganist the law so technically no one can help you because its illegal to download a program that costs money, for free.

    EDIT: well less then the advertised price of it, well yea thats illegal, unless your paying the full price of the software, its probably illegal.

  3. Sorry, it is not available for free except by illegal means.

    Anyone who tried to help you to find a site like that would be breaking the rules and risk getting removed from Yahoo Answers.  You run the same risk by asking, assuming you knew it was not available for free legally.

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