
Where can I find Sarah Palin's Grade Point Average?

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Where can I find Sarah Palin's Grade Point Average?




  1. Good for you for asking and following up on Obama!

    Thumbs up!

  2. Google it.

    GPA doesn't always reveal intelligence.  Einstein was considered stupid by his teachers, etc.

  3. That information has not been released.

  4. Right where it belongs... in her school file.

    Have a right-wing day.

  5. That's what is referred to as "need to know information".  You don't need to know.    Same with Obama's records.

  6. Obama has threaten to sue all the institutions he has been in from releasing papers.

  7. GPA mans nothing.

    most great leaders have poor school records.

    I'm not saying she does but it doesn't really matter.

    Most of the greats even have or had, a d d or a d h d

  8. I assure you it was higher than McCains. Even Bush scored higher than McCain. But Gore, Hillary, Bill, Obama- all kicked butt academically. Oh, and d**k Cheney too- the real president of the U.S.

  9. Who cares?  She has a degree, so her GPA was higher than a 2.0.  That's the bottom line.

    Has Obama published official copies of his college and law school transcripts?  NO?  Oh.  Gee.  So ..... if his GPA doesn't matter, why does Sarah Palin's?

  10. I'm sure that it will be released if that's important.

    Obama has refused to release any of his university records or documents.

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