
Where can I find Snakes?

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Can I find wild snakes in Illnois and if I can where would they be hiding?




  1. Under rocks or wood

  2. under wood or anything not too heavy

  3. Under old cans that have been there for a while Also wood and pretty much anything thats not to heavy and has been there for a while. And in gardens and tall grasses.

  4. if your looking for native snakes in any state cruise the back roads near woods at night with your high beams on real slow(like 15mph) or just go flipping debris piles by the side of roads(again near woods). easiest lay with out REALLY looking.

  5. they would be hiding in your toilet

  6. well u can find snake in the pet but it depends wat type of snake exotic or some wack **** exotic the best store to go to is d&j reptile

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