
Where can I find a Black woman mixed with Chinese?

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Where can I find a Black woman mixed with Chinese?




  1. Ebay? I really don't know what kind of answer you're looking for. In the Bay Area there are a lot of Asians and Blacks so, somewhere there should be a chineseXafricanamerican.

  2. on the street, in the store, on the train, in a car, in her home...

  3. me~

  4. Oh you mean Blackinese?

    I dont knoe. lmao anywhere

    theres mixed people everywhere!

  5. idk

  6. everywhere

  7. The Caribbeans, back then a lot of Chinese men married Black women there. There are a lot of Chinese Jamaicans.

  8. Try a dating site.

  9. This is a random a** question...

    Uhhh around? I mean I doubt there's a "Club of Black and Chinese mixed women"  

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