
Where can I find a Christian phsychiatrist in the suburbs of Philly?

by Guest60428  |  earlier

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Preferably one for teens




  1. Does your teen require a psychiatrist (a medical doctor) or a psychologist/counselor?  (They give counseling, but they cannot prescribe medicines.)  

    This is an important first question, because if he or she needs a prescription for medicine, such as an anti-depressant, I honestly don't think religious faith comes into the matter. Just ask your family doctor or your teen's pediatrician for a recommendation for a psychiatrist.  A prescription is a prescription, and it shouldn't matter whether the doctor who writes it is Chistian, Hindu, agnostic, or whatever.  You will only see the doctor once or twice anyway.

    BUT, if you are talking about counseling, that could be a completely different story.  In that case, I agree with the previous answer that your minister might be able to recommend someone who shares your family's values.   But better than that, the minister may be all you need.  Many ministers are trained in pastoral counseling and can provide a wise and gentle ear for your teen.  If not, then the minister will certainly have come across other kids with problems and will be able to refer you to someone who is properly trained.

    I wish you and your family well.

  2. The best person to reccomend one in your area would be your minister. They may even be able to suggest someone who attends your church that may nto charge you much(if at all).

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