
Where can I find a DJ that plays chinese/vietnamese songs for my wedding in new jersey/philadelphia/NY area?

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Where can I find a DJ that plays chinese/vietnamese songs for my wedding in new jersey/philadelphia/NY area?




  1. Call around, but if you can't find one, ask one if he/she can buy the music for it. I'm sure they would accommodate your request, but you might have to help them out if they aren't familiar with Chinese music.

  2. Any good DJ would do the research and find the music you want for your wedding day.  So I would call around and find a dj in your area who will accomodate your music list.  If a dj is not willing to do the work than he is not worth your time.  Hope this helps :0)

  3. I'm sorry to flame the other posters, but, Wha, WHa, WHAT!!!

    If you want to hire a DJ to play ethnic music at your wedding, I would strongly suggest you travel to the nearest Chinese/Viet community or shop/restaurant and ask the locals for help. Do you really want someone who doesn't speak the language playing the Viet version of "Never Make a Pretty Woman Your Wife"  (or worse) at your wedding? I imagine Chinese/Viet speakers will be in attendance.

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