
Where can I find a Job in New Zealand that pays $50k per year, and is an accredited employer?

by  |  earlier

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Most of my work experience is in the Customer Service field. I don't have a trade unfortunately, and I wish i'd got one now




  1. What line of work are you in/looking for?  I know of a large engineering consultancy that are accredited, who also do CAD design, surveying, planning, architecture, valuations, geotechnics, etc... post some more details & I may be able to help further.

  2. Don't quite know what you mean - 'accredited' employer. Are there some that aren't?

    There are basically 2 ways of starting at $50k per year.

    One is to start at the bottom and get there through hard, honest and impressive work. The other is to marry the bosses daughter.

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