
Where can I find a KPMG Callaway hat like Phil Mickelson wears?

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Where can I find a KPMG Callaway hat like Phil Mickelson wears?




  1. “KPMG LLP is recognized globally as a premier provider of Audit, Tax, and Advisory services.” KPMG web site

    Why would you want to buy a hat promoting advisory services?

    Or are you a Philophile?

  2. Those hats are custom made for tour players. Callaway would be the place to call and see if they are willing to part with one. Usually the name on the front of the hat is the main sponsor and the other names are minor sponsors. But the golf company that sponsors the player distributes them to the players especially if they are a big name player.

  3. Either in Phil's locker or in the back of his SUV.

  4. the site below has everything

  5. Call KPMG...they might send you one...ask for their marketing department.

  6. try ebay

  7. Well, you can always buy a regular callaway hat then take it down to the mall and have them stitch in KPMG.  But i dunno why you would want to sport KPMG since it really has nothing to do with golf besides endorsing Phil.  If Phil was sporting a callaway hat with Toyota on it would u buy that too?

  8. You could check KPMG's website...or you can go to a tornament they usually sell them there...i bought one at a competition when he was with bearing point

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