
Where can I find a Koenigsegg CCX in the US?

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Ive been trying to find a place that has a Koenigsegg CCX for sale.I know they go for around $900,000 and are made in Sweden but are there any in the US or can I have one delivered overseas?




  1. The cost of "Americanizing" the car would practically increase the price by half, the bumpers would have to be modified, the engine certified and pollution controls installed, after the world record traffic ticket in west Texas a rev limiter would most certainly be installed. Those cars you see on television are not available outside of Europe, nor are their prices, all you have to do is take one look at the front and rear bumpers and see their problem with coming into this country.

  2. there are no dealerships that sell them, you have to contact them.

  3. you might find one on ebay...from time to time

    but the only authorized dealer in the USA is avante-garde in california

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