
Where can I find a Maco flower?

by  |  earlier

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Well its almost time to get on that plane to T&T.

My family and I can't wait.

But I want to understand what is a MACO flower? Someone told me it's an extrodanary flower that tracks its surrondings.

Oh pre-tell where in Trinidad can I find a MACO?




  1. uh I've never heard of  a Maco flower, but I know about MacoMeter

  2. nah boy, it have all kinda maco flowers.

    some ah dem intelligent too bad, when ever you searching for stuff, they does be right there....waiting with the answer

    some ah dem does be in a small village....boy, every where it have something happening, dey does spring up.

    some again, just want to be in d lime light, so they always up front.... whether they sure of what going on or not they there...and dey does grow all over 'tory. it ent have a 'tory dey ent know about.

    it have other maco flower does try they best, but they not as skilled as the lime light maco flowers.  they does still be left in the dark. (im guessing thats the variety that Jouvert was describing)

    But i know it have more, and i will definitely come back and edit a little later.


    Jouvert, i always wondered where the ahspreadingyuhbusinessallovertown tree came from...thanks for the info. lmao

  3. LMAO Jouvert for best answer hahahaha.

    I have a whole field ah maco flowers growin in meh back yard lmaooo

  4. The maco flower is indigenous to the lovely twin island national of Trinidad and Tobago. It can be found primarily in South Trinidad, but grows densely in several other places such as Arima, Toco, Tunapuna and in the capitol city of Port-of – Spain. The flowers grow freely all over Tobago.

    The flower itself is quite beautiful. It is very colourful and fragrant, growing on long vines that seem to go on for miles. The flower however displays a strange and puzzling behavioral pattern that has modern science baffled.

    In an almost shy way, the buds open, make a complete turn as if looking around and spout fragrance when they are not aware they are being observed. As soon as the observer makes their presence known, the flower it snaps its buds shut!

    These beauties are grown and tended to by locals of Trinbago called macomers. As these flowers require a lot of attention, macomers have dedicated their lives to the care of the macos.  They speak to them lovingly, encouraging them to bloom and are actively involved in spreading these flowers all over the nation.  The flowers thrive in shadow and require tremendous amounts of fertilizer for optimum growth potential.

    Maco flowers are proudly worn in the lapels and on the dresses of  both members of Government and the Opposition and I understand that there is a serious push to have the current National flower the Chaconia replaced by the Maco.

    The Maco flowers has been grafted to produce the lovely Damfass and  Ahmindingyuhbusiness flowers as well as the stunning Ahspreadingyuhbusinessallovertown tree.

  5. jed yuh have to go dong south ( daz wen yuh pass Grand Bazzar) yuh eh go miss it it does also go by de name Re$h ask round yuh go find it.


    arrrite jus give Jouvert BEST ANSWER  dey !! Talk done

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