
Where can I find a Muslim to school me on Islamic beliefs and culture?

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I found some web sites but they dont answer my specific questions and I am talking to a Muslim man and am having trouble because I have never known anyone Muslim. I know Ramadan is next month too and its his holy month....sooo doea that mean we shouldnt flirt?




  1. You should not flirt- PERIOD.

    Flirt with your husband after Siyam (fasts)

    Abu Hurayrah related the prophet S.A.S said, “Whoever fasts Ramadan because of faith seeking reward from Allah alone, will have his past sins forgiven; whoever prays at night during Ramadan because of Iman,seeking reward from Allah alone,will have its past sins forgiven; and whoever passes Lailatul Qadr in prayer because of Iman, seeking reward from Allah alone, will have its past sins forgiven.”

    Abu sa’eed Al-Khudri reported that the prophet S.A.S said, ”When a servant of Allah for a day for the sake of Allah, he thereby repels the fire (of h**l)  distance of seventy years.”

    Abu Hurayrah related that the Prophet S.A.S said, ” If a person does not avoid vain talk and evil conduct during fasting,Allah does not care if he abstains from food and drink.”

    Abu Hurayrah reported that the prophet S.A.S said, “If anyone forgets and eats or drinks by accident while he is fasting, he should complete his fast, for it is Allah who has fed him and given him drink.”

    Anas bin Malik related that the prophet S.A.S said, ”Take Sahur (pre-dawn meal) for there are blessings in it.”

    Zayd bin Khalid al-Juhani narrated that the prophet S.A.S said, ” He who provides for the breaking of the fast of another person earns the same reward as the one who is fasting, and no reduction is made in the reward of the latter. ”

    Nafl Siyam (Voluntary Fasting)

    Aishah related ” The prophet S.A.S used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays”. In an another hadith it is said by prophet S.A.S that ‘Aman;s deeds are raised up to Allah on Mondays and Thursdays, and I prefer to be fasting when my deeds are reported.”

    Abu Dharr reported that the prophet S.A.S said, ” If you want to observe fasting three days in a month, then make them the 13th, 14th and 15th nights of the lunar month.”

    Abu Ayyub related tha the prophet S.A.S said, ” One who observes the fasting during Ramadan and thn follows it with six days of fasting, during Shawwal is as if he fasted for the whole year.”

  2. You can email some sisters here.. Some are quite knowledgable and open to discussions. Feel free to contact me as well if you like.

    Best is to find a local mosque and ask the questions you have from the sisters or the imam.


  3. you have kinda of a problem because you would attract alotta attention (try not to lets this affect your ego) It would be best for you if you found a FEMALE mentor, to teach you because you may accidentally or intentionally flirt with this person in this sacred month, and sin you would sincerly have to repent for. to keep things safe, maybe you can talk to this mans sister or mother. If you really need help finding muslim sisters, go to the masjid on jumma and meet with them. go to sunday school or some other islamic classes and you should find many muslim sisters who aer willing to help. By the way, its very likely that he is only attracted to you because you are good looking, whereas you want to marry a man who loves you because of your iman, and of course looks is also important, but its secondary..

  4. I am an American Muslim, also a mom of two (girls).  Feel free to email me.  

  5. The only things you can not do during Ramadhan are related to fluid sharing (kissing or any kind of intercourse).

    If you need any more specific answers, you can go to my profile and send me a mail.

  6. First know the basic things.

    Read Quran and hadith.

  7. Well honey, you know this MUSLIM man has zero respect for you. If he respected you he wouldnt be flirting with you in the first place. Save your self respect and find a new man to flirt with. Who cares if its ramadan next month, if hes flirting with you, why would he follow Ramadan in the first place?!i I am sure there will be plenty of brothers who are willing to teach you sister!

  8. There are Plenty of islamic Websites ON where U can ask Questions. And they are All islamic scholars Not like most of the users here who are about twelver !

  9. U mean u always flirt with him? while discussing about Islam etc etc.. That doesn't sound right.. Correct me if im wrong..

    But anyway its best you go for a female tutor, prevents you sinning whatsoever, rather with a male tutor..

    Ignore the guys answers here..LOL they changed it

  10. Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim - In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

    Hello Johanna.  Well, there is a lot of information for you, but I'd like to start by asking a few questions about this man.  First of all, there are specific rules about the interactions between men and women in Islam, whether you the woman are a Muslim or not.  Islam teaches that men should be very respectful and decent towards women.  To that end, men and women are not allowed to be alone together.  They are not allowed physical contact (kissing, hugging, holding hands) and they are not allowed to engage in flirtatious or suggestive conversations.  Gee, what a buzzkill, you say?  If this man you are talking to is loose about these things, then he might have a deep disrespect of women.  He might think of you as an easy target for an illicit relationship because you are not Muslim and he can disrespect you in a way he could never do with a Muslim girl.

    Does he pray the five prayers?  If he does not, then his status as a Muslim is suspect (not me saying this; it is one of the rules of our religion).  At minimum, he should pray five times a day, go to the Friday prayer every week, and should not drink alcohol or go to bars.  If he is doing his basics, then most likely he's a decent guy who is lonely and who found something very nice and respectful in you.  If this is the case, then I still counsel you to never be alone with him because you could be tempted or he could be tempted to do something forbidden, like kissing or touching (actual sexual relations outside of marriage are totally off-limits so that would be a disaster as far as his religious commitment is concerned).

    Ramadan specifically is a month of fasting and remembering Allah.  Truly, he should not see you at all, since you are not legal for him as you would be as a wife.  He should spend the month in the mosque, praying, learning more about Islam, and strengthening his religious commitment.  If he talks to you and chats you up and flirts, he's committing a sin any time of the  year, but the sin is greater in Ramadan because it is distracting him from his fast.

    I would encourage you to visit the websites below if you are  interested in learning about Islam for your own sake.  I am an American woman who became Muslim about 15 years ago, and I am blessed every day by my decision. I did not have a romantic relationship with my husband of nine years before we were married.  We got to know each other in a decent manner and made sure we were never tempted by Satan before we married.  I would never consider marrying a Muslim man who flirts and dates women, because that would signal to me that  his commitment is weak.  I know you are not Muslim so this might seem unnecessarily strict to you, but truly the rules are there for the protection of women, who are apt to be exploited by men who say sweet things and then abandon them when they get what they want.

    Sorry to be so long on this, but it deserves a comprehensive answer.  You are welcome to contact me off Yahoo anytime if you have any questions.

    May Allah guide you to the best in this world and the next.  Ameen.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  11. hello there are lots of site that are really helpful. but if you have specific question you can send an email to  GOOD LUCK!!

  12. just live your life normally but no kissing or sexual interactions while hes fasting, and how about u eat with him when the sun goes down? thats really really good for bonding

  13. If you sincerely want to learn more, then you can e-mail me about questions that you have and inshaAllah I will answer your questions or refer you to people who can answer them.

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