
Where can I find a Potty Trainer in Houston?

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My 3 year old son is Special Needs and has High Functioning Autism. He is verbal. I need a potty trainer to come in and knock this out. He doesn't seem to respond to me about potty training. But I think if he had a teacher, he would do well.

Any suggestions?




  1. Try the following links, they are Autism sites in Houston and the US.

    I would think the best advice must come from those with the experience.  

    Good Luck

  2. A potty trainer?? If your son is high functioning he will probably work this one out for himself. You cannot force a child to be potty trained but you can help with lots of positive reinforcement. If he does well then praise him and perhaps sometimes reward him. Most children with autism work at their own pace and the more you push them the more resistant they will become. Sometimes with these children you will think you have everything sorted and then they will be right back to square one. Just take your time with him and don't push him too hard. I have a daughter who is 9 years old and has high functioning autism, she is dry during the day but will not go to bed without a diaper on. If this is what she wants and it enables me to get some sleep then that is what I will do to keep her happy and calm. Good luck.

  3. there are adult size diapers--call a surgical/medical supply store

    look for a behavior therapist (ABA)

    they have procedures for potty training

    you can advertise for one on


  4. I teach at a Texas public school.  In Texas special education students can enter school at the age of three.  Most Houston schools have an early childhood program that will help your child with life skills such as potty training. Go to your local public elementary school and see when you can register your son.  I wish you and your son the best.

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