
Where can I find a TTD?

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Last week, I was experimenting inside Earth's magnetosphere with a large positron emission device, when a cataclysmic rift in space caused what appears to be a time vortex. I watched in horror from my space shuttle as Earth reverted to what appears to be the year 2008 AD.

I've tried to learn this historic culture because I'm in desperate need of a Time Travel Device (TTD) to repair my ship and return home. Now, I'm no historian, but I'm quite sure time travel existed in this time. Despite this, people treat me as though I'm insane when I explain my situation.

I can't take this much longer. This primitive culture is too much for me; I'm bombarded with obnoxious advertisements and a greatly-distorted perception of beauty. The arrogant and incredibly ignorant buffoons I've been forced to converse with have done nothing but try to jam terrible "culture" down my throat. "Rap" music and revealing clothing are far from culture, and I'm beginning to think that I will actually retreat into insanity if I stay here much longer.

Please tell me where I may purchase or, in a more realistic scenario, steal a TTD. I feel as though I'm stranded in a world filled with mentally-deprived raccoons with moderate mercury poisoning.




  1. The blueprints are kept in a very secret location called the Public Library. They will provide you with a variety of experiences, from Jules Verne to Albert Einstein, allowing you to take the best minds of our primative society and amalgamate their ideas into what is needed for you to return to your futuristic, anti-materialistic society.

  2. Get used to it kid!

    Sorry, but in this facet of the multiverse they haven't gotten around to time travel yet! They pretty much ignored Tesla and some of the more interesting aspects of quantum mechanics. At first glance it looked pretty similar so I got off for my history field work and it's missing a lot of the breakthrough thinking to get the TTD up and running-it's all there, no-one's put it all together yet!

    The bovine spongiform encephalitis plague hasn't hit yet either-people still eat ground beef! If only they knew!

    PS In my facet they published the Multiverse jumping / time travel papers in Nature in 2007, is that the same in your facet? BTW I have this facet tagged as A17-20221. My "old" one was A17-20367.  

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