My little 8 month old mutt has had a complete relapse on house training. She was doing great for a long time. And in the past few weeks she has been pooping at the door and peeing in the house. It seems she makes a point to go outside for 30min and when we come in, she goes right to the door and poops.
So we have decided to try a different method with her for potty training. Getting a bell at the door so they can ring when they need to go out. But I am not sure if i'm retarded or what, but I cant seem to find a simple bell anywhere around here? I've looked at walmart but couldn't find anything for some reason. Not sure if i didn't look in the right section? (I'm not savy with walmart, I go in get what I need and get out).
So my question is, anyone know of a well known place I can find one? And should I hang it around the door k**b or put it lower for them?