
Where can I find a cheap, small recycling bin?

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I'm looking for a garbage can for my bedroom that has two compartments, or sides to the garbage bin. One that I can put my regular trash in; the other for my paper recycling. It's becoming a hassle to have to go downstairs to put every little piece of paper in the recycling bin there.

I'm looking for something with a similar design to this:

However, It'd prefer it wasn't metal, and it doesn't have to be all that fancy-just one trash can that has a divider in it.

I'd prefer it to be no more than $20, however anything around $20 is fine. No more than $30, if preferable. My mom would kill me (although I am a legal adult, as I live under her roof for the summer I'd rather not hear her complain/tease me for 5 months about being ecologically responsible and "wasting $30 on a trash can").




  1. This works for me: I got a standard kitchen trash can -- 13 gallon size.  I looked around and got a large rubber band that easily fits around the outer rim.  This holds two trash bags in place.  I put two trash bags inside, one on each side.  For the paper side I fold the bag over to keep refuse out.  When one is full its easy to remove and replace, and then just carry on!

  2. Walmart? Or something like that, Costco or IKEA maybe.

    We have an old plastic bin downstairs we put stuff in to be recycled when it gets full we'll empty it in our bigger bin... and its conveniently hidden under a desk.

  3. go to the store and buy one of the best. don't be cheap!

  4. just go to ikea

  5. I went to Target and bought two small bins for about $3.00 each.  Then I put them right next to each other.  It's worked out beautifully.

  6. i believe they are sold at home depot, i used to work there. check the garden center. or you might wanna check lowes or walmart

  7. Katie..

    Have you considered laundry sorting bins? I've put a link to one @ same store. I've also seen these w/only 2 bins and/or cheaper @ other stores. However, this one is only $20. Hope this helps.


    P.S. I use plastic storage bins, the large great.

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