
Where can I find a cheap collection of story books (ages 3-5)?

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I need to start my preschool book collection at a cheap price.




  1. Go to garage and yard sales.  Local thrift shops are another great place as well as when your local library has book sales.

  2. Yard sales are great way to get story books, toys and all sorts of things like that. Happy hunting!

  3. If you need to find some books that you want, start here: It's a very comprehensive listing of children's books by theme.

    One you know what you want... try You can sometimes get great books for dirt cheap. Also try bookstores like Half Price Books (they have a website... Also try treasure hunting at local garage and yard sales. And there's nothing wrong with asking for childrens books for birthday presents (pick the books you like best and want in nice condition)!

    Happy Hunting!

  4. In our area there is 1/2 priced book stores and or used book stores.  To purchase new books can run into some real monies that most people can not afford.  Check your yellow pages for these type of stores.

    Also for educational materials locate a store that sells educational materials.  They have a lot to offer.  In Conroe Texas where I go there is "The School House" store.

  5. EBAY!!!

  6. yeah go to

  7. You can also try Ebay...people will sell their books in "lots" so you get more for your money.  They will also mail them too you at a "book rate" which is cheap as well.....hope this helps  :)

  8. See if there is a freecycle organization in your area.  I have gotten lots of great things for my kids, including books, for free from others who no longer need them.  There are also many groups similar to freecycle on Yahoo.  

    Try .  Once you become a member, you can post what you are looking for and others can contact you via e-mail if they are willing to offer the item to you.

  9. I find my local Goodwill store to have the best selection of cheap children's books.  Prices range from $.59 to $.99, but if you find a Goodwill CLEARANCE store (there is one in Orlando, FL), you can get paperbacks for $.10 and hardbacks for $.25.  I bought soooooooo many books for my kids there, that they thought we WERE the library.  I taught them not to spend $4 at a book fair for one book, but to spend it at Goodwill and get up to 40 books!  They are never too young to learn about saving money.  

    Also, yard sales are great, but you will probably spend much longer looking for the same size collection you could gather at Goodwill in just one visit.  

    Good luck!

  10. Go 2 they have lots and lots of stories rangering from age infant 2 plus. Trust me u will love it my kids do.

  11. I would try the library for starts to find what style and types of books fit with your plans..yard sales and even people who are moving or no longer have kids around.

  12. I don't know what "cheap" means to you, but stores like "Ross" or "Marshalls" carry new books for a lot less than suggested retail price.  I often find books for less than $5

  13. Garage sales

  14. garage sales are the best way to find inexpensive teacher materials.  I bought about 75% of my books from garage sales and never paid more than 50 cents.

  15. EBay!  i just purchased a used set of 150 books for $42~~~

  16. its not really cheap but i go to Barnes and Noble for all my books!

  17. Just collect all age appropriate material from garage sales, salvation army, or go to put an ad in your local paper- you'd be surprised!

  18. Try 2nd hand shops, or join the public library!

  19. look for LOTS on amazon or on ebay or other online auction sites

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