
Where can I find a cheap one piece swimsuit?

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I'm taking a lifeguard certification course and I need one or two one-piece swimsuits that are cheap and somewhat plain. Any suggestions? i need store names not websites, cauz I need it by saturday! Thanks




  1. Jenn,

    You could check Marshall's, T.J. Maxx, or thrift stores like Goodwill, Savers, etc. or also you could check the clearance racks at stores like Sports Authority or d**k's Sporting Goods if there are any of them in your town.

    Good luck with your training!!!

  2. Target has some good ones.

    So does Wal*Mart

    Dillards, JCPenney, & Macys has some good sales on them around this time of year.

  3. if you want to buy online, to find the best deal, check this out:

  4. Most sporting goods stores will have some that will fit the bill.  I suggest a one piece, as you will be working on rescue methods which can get rather turbulent.  You don't want to lose your top making a rescue.  If your in the western U.S. try Big 5 sporting goods.

  5. Sports Authority

    d**k's Sporting Goods

    If you are in Chicago land, try any of the Kiefer Swim shops in the area.

  6. Also, TJMaxx and/or Marshall's.

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