
Where can I find a cheat sheet or a copy of the actual florida GED Math Test?!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I am fed up with taking this test, I have passed everything except math! and I taken the test 2 times and still fail!!! I need to find a copy of Test Form IG with Format Code EP . OR Could I get away with haveing someone eles take the test for me? aslong as they have my social security card and drivers license?




  1. heres an idea, study for it.

  2. Cheating is not the answer!  Since it is only math you are having trouble with find someone who can tutor you on the math section so you can pass the test honestly.  Cheating is never the answer and is NEVER right.

  3. Study! that way when u do pass, it will b so worth it u could celebrate finally pasing.passing by cheating is not worth it. when u do pass by working it shows u have determination and it will help u out because u kewp[t trying and u did it. so u will get the satisfaction that u didnt cheat, u really earned what u got.

  4. Why would you want to cheat....

    High school math is just basic algebra.

    If you really cant pass it, then maybe your just dumber than a box of rocks..

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