
Where can I find a clinic to get a blood test for pregnancy around Doral, FL?

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I believe I'm pregnant but I don't know where to go or what to do to get a pregnancy test. I bought one and it turned negative; I still haven't gotten my period though.

I've heard people talking bout free clinics, etc... I dunno how to look for one?




  1. Just google it.  

  2. How late were you when you used the store bought test?  You need to be at least 2 weeks late to get a positive reading if you are indeed pregnant.  

    Do you have a health clinic (Health Dept.) there?  You can also go to your family doctor.  They can likely refer you to an OB if you don't have one.

  3. Try looking up a Planned Parenthood..usually have one in most cities. Good Luck!

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