
Where can I find a coffee house / cafe in South Jersey that is not Starbucks with a good atmosphere to chill o

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I work at a starbucks but I can never get any studying done when I go because I know most of the customers and baristas that work around my town there. I want to try a different coffee house that I can do work in that has a laid back atmosphere somewhere in the south jersey area. Any suggestions?




  1. i guess it depends on where in south jersey you are..  if you are near a college town there are probably a few good places like that near the college..  your best bet might be to either go to barnes and noble and use their cafe, which is sort of starbucks as well..  or just go to starbucks anyway and wear headphones..  leave your ipod in plain view on the table next to your book and people should get the hint that you are not looking to chat right then..

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