
Where can I find a company that will make a chrome bathroom water fitting to a specific design?

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Am in UK.

Thanks in Advance.




  1. The cheapest way would probably be to get someone to machine up the part and then get another firm to plate it. It all depends on what the part is and what material it would need to be made out of. I often make small parts and have them plated by a friend in the industry who does not charge me - I help him with producing one offs for him when needed. Most plating companies will oblige if the part will fit on a flight bar and the material lends itself to plating. If you give me more information I may be able to give you specific advice/help.

  2. You could look at Rapid Prototype companies, you could have one cast from a 3d printed wax model - fairly standard practice. Almost anything possible with no costly machining, but it depends on your product.

    By the way I'm a Design Engineer that used to work in the industry,

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