
Where can I find a consistant part time job in detroit/metro detroit,mi right away?

by  |  earlier

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I really need a part time job that is going to give me consistant part time hours (20-25 hrs/wk). I have a job at the mall, but the schedule is so inconsistant that I haven't worked in 3 weeks! I'm a college student, so I have a lot of expenses (school, car, groceries, hopefully a place to live). I have a good resume so if anyone knows of a job in the Detroit or Metro Detroit area please let me know.




  1. try the airport.

  2. I agree that the airport is a good place. They are almost always hiring....Do some searching online for airport jobs, as there are many separate places within the airport that you could try.  

    I'm not sure where you are located, but you should try the Downriver Community Conference on Northline road in Southgate.  Not only do they have an unemployment office there, but a small business administration office, help to get your resume posted to the Michigan Talent bank, and much more. Follow the link I have included to see all they have to offer and good luck to you.

  3. I would be checking craigslist everyday, I'm surprised how many postings there are for legitimate jobs there, also believe it or not I found my last part time job by posting a bulletin on my myspace page,...good luck :0)

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