
Where can I find a copy of Illinois Compiled Statute 720 ILCS 5/22-50&51? It is no longer on the books.?

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Where can I find a copy of Illinois Compiled Statute 720 ILCS 5/22-50&51? It is no longer on the books.?




  1. You might try a law school library and ask one of the librarians.

  2. Type (720 ILCS 5/22-50&51) into the search bar at the top of the answers page where your question is posted and they have links to the act you are seeking.~

  3. If it is no longer available in a law school library near you or you are not able to travel to one that is too far away, contact you local bar association offices (in the phone book or on line).  They may have it or have access to it.

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