
Where can I find a copy of Roman Army Order XXXVII?

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According to the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks, this order was distributed by the Romans to their troops to give them guidance on how to kill zombies.

Does this document exist, and where can I find a copy of it?




  1.  zombies are real, but it is more of a virus (solanum) meaning you do not believe in viruses like h1n1

    i have the survival guide

  2.  zombies are real, but it is more of a virus (solanum) meaning you do not believe in viruses like h1n1

    i have the survival guide

  3. seriously??? its a freaking book! it says "humor" on the back of it! ZOMBIES ARENT REAL

  4. seriously??? its a freaking book! it says "humor" on the back of it! ZOMBIES ARENT REAL

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