
Where can I find a dairy free, wheat free, chocolate free birthday cake in Los Angeles.?

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My birthday is in a month.

I'm allergic to EVERYTHING.

Where can I find a specialty bakery in the Los Angeles (south Los Angeles is better) that would cater to my needs?

I am allergic to wheat, rye, barley, chocolate, milk, cheese, etc.

Please dont say "oh well, you're screwed", because I already know that every day. haha.




  1. Have you checked Whole Foods or Wild Oats?


    This isn't a bakery, it's a cake mix manufacturer, but they seem to make some products that would meet your needs (if you don't mind baking at home or having a friend do it. Maybe you could even take the mix to a specialty baker and have them prepare the cake with professional decoration?

    I've no idea how much "Italian Chestnut Flour" tastes like actual flour, though, and any cake which is completely grain and dairy free may turn out to be a disappointment, taste-wise- it might be good, but probably not very cake-like. You may have better luck having some other kind of dessert altogether, maybe a nice sorbet? You could form it into a cake shape for candles and decoration, and it would taste exactly like what it's supposed to (mmm sorbet).

    Good luck and happy almost-birthday!

  3. Pamela's is a company that makes a good gluten free cake mix so it won't have wheat, rye or barley in it.  If you get the vanilla mix, it won't have chocolate and then if it needs milk,  just use a milk substitute like soy milk or rice milk and you will be set.  They also have a mix for the frosting which you can do the same thing with.  I know Whole Foods carries Pamela's products along with some grocery chains.

    On a little different line, if you are lactose intolerant and that is why you don't use milk, have you tried taking lactaid which is a pill containing an enzyme to help you digest the lactose in milk.  That works wonderfully for my wife.  She can also use the brand name milk- Lactaid found in the grocery store here that doesn't have lactose in it.

    Good luck and Happy Birthday!

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