
Where can I find a decent HD or HDV professional camcorder for a reasonable price?

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I am in college, and working towards my major in film and television. I am desperately trying to find a high definition professional camcorder, but everywhere I look they are pricing from $6,000.00 minimum, all the way up to $75,000.00. I clearly just don't have this kind of money! Somebody help! Do you know any sites or stores (aside from ebay) where I can buy one in the lower price ranges?




  1. It depends what you are looking for in the way of "high definition professional camcorder".

    I see lots of professionals using

    Sony HVR-V1U, HVR-Z1U, Panasonic HDX200, Canon XHA1 cams... mostly for broadcast or documentary work - not films (unless short subjects). These clearly do HDV and are not over $6K.

    If you are looking for HDCAM or XDCAM HD or DVCPRO format cameras, they will be expensive.

    Since you did not tell us your budget, it is a bit tough to understand what "reasonable" means to you.

    If you can wait a bit, maybe the RED Scarlet will meet your requirements... though editing the video from this camcorder will likely be a pretty big investment, too...

    Perhaps a recommendation or suggestion from the film school is on order.

    On the camcorders that are $30K or more, they would normally be rented...

    I like or www. for such purchases (HDV camcorder gear).

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