
Where can I find a doctor that practices Western medicine in this town???

by  |  earlier

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I think I need a shot of penicillin...




  1. The closest thing to a Western doctor you'll find out here is that crazy woman on the edge of town who wears a cowboy hat while she administers Quang Bang enemas.

  2. LOL:( Be more careful next time:)

  3. sorry mate, not a chance, you'll just have to lance it with this rusty blunt knife and let the maggots do the rest.

  4. If you rub the shrunken monkey head that's dangling from the tree in front of the hotel, legend has it that it will cure your ailments.

    If you are suffering from something drippy, or festery, you might need to have it amputated.  We could take it home as one of our souvenirs.

  5. The bugs here laugh at penicillin anyway. Like we would laugh at Gary Coleman pulling some karate moves on us.

  6. keep drinking Quang Bang, you can't get sick when you're still drunk

  7. <====crazy lady from the edge of town

    bend over

  8. You are sh*t out of luck my friend. Any real western medicine man knows better than to visit Wisconsin.

  9. I told you that going to Church was not the best place to meet new people...

    Unless you're not looking for "commitment..."

  10. The Cat keeps all sorts of things just in case.  He's got what you kneed.  Just come through the kitty door at midnight and meet him in the dinning room.  He'll trade you for catnip.  And Don't disturb the parrot.  She gets cranky when she doesn't get her beauty sleep.

  11. You can find him in the Museum, In the Befuddled Westerner Section.

  12. I'll play doctor with you.

  13. umm good luck....or just drink a bottle of booze....we did sneak booze over,didnt we?

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