
Where can I find a doll with light brown skin, Asian eyes and straight black hair for a child?

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I need one to give to my Niece. Her birthday is a week away. She asked for a doll that looks like her. I tried the American Girl Doll Store and could not find one that resembles her. Is there any place that does a custom order?





    Here's a couple of links for you. You can do a google search by typing in "dolls with Asian features" in the window and get tons of websites. If you find one to order and can't get it as fast as you need it, you can do what I've done before....just print out a picture of the item, place it in a pretty birthday card and say, "Your gift is on the way!"  I find that the times I've had to do this, it works out well because the child usually gets a lot of gifts on their special day and this gives them something to look forward to. Kinda extends their birthday.

  2. I would shop German, they have made Asian dolls for years, some of the factories you need to look at are Gotz, Kruze, Annette Himstedt, You need to get a vinyl doll so she will not break. There is one more factory who has wonderful dolls and I can not recall it. All of these dolls are available in this American, I am not sure where you are.

  3. Madame alexander has asian dolls, groovy girls, too but you can her the asian american girl, Ivy is probably exactly the one she wants. You can get classic asian doll clothes on line too, like Jiminees which has a cute chinese style dress for $14.00, as does Dori's Doll Boutique(several nice styles here) Good luck!

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