
Where can I find a dress similar to Michelle Obama's?

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I'd really love to find a teal green evening gown, 3/4 sleeve, v-neck, &tc., similar to the dress Michelle Obama wore to the Democratic National convention Monday night, Aug 25, in Denver CO. Any fashion mavens out there have any ideas on where to look?




  1. Ask Hussein's marketing team, which deals in all of these phony props.

    In my book, however, providing that dress did not make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

  2. Well I know she shops at white house black market but you wouldnt find green there.....

  3. I loved her dress too.  I hope that someone actually answers this simple fashion question instead of bringing politics into it.  

    Her dress is by Maria Pinto, a Chicago designer who she has been wearing throughout the campaign.  Her website says that her line is available at Saks Fifth Avenue and Barney's New York, as well as Takashimaya, New York.

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