
Where can I find a form for Employee Pay Raises?

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Where can I find a form for Employee Pay Raises?




  1. What do you mean?  Are you looking for a form to tell you what the industry standard is for raises in your industry?  Are you looking for a form from your company so you request a pay raise? Or do you work in HR and you are looking for templates/planning to develop a compensation plan?

    Each company has a compensation policy.  Go to your HR department to find out the process for requesting raises/compensation.

    Then have a conversation with your boss about what you're looking for - be sure to back it up with accomplishments and metrics that will put you above peers in your same job classification.

  2. With the economy under Bush the last 8 years most has taken a cut in pay to keep their jobs.

    You about need an Associates Degree just to work at Walmarts. Something is really wrong and Im sure Obama will get the Country back on track.

  3. If you find it, fill one out for me too.

  4. Are you goofy? How could we answer that?

  5. Did you try the handbook that they gave you when you were hired?

    Also check with the libraries they can help you find the answers.  That is where I used to go when they didn't have the age of the computer.

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