
Where can I find a free script that would allow me to run a free web hosting service?

by  |  earlier

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I would like a free script for windows servers which would allow me to offer free websites to others. I don't want to have to learn any PHP or SQL right now, I would just like an already made script which i could learn off. Thanks!




  1. Well it's obvious before you think about starting a web host, you need to do some research.

    You need to buy a domain, which will point the user to DNS servers, which will point the user to IP(s), which belong to dedicated computers with lots of HDD space.

    To buy a domain:

    To set up DNS servers (CNAME & A zones):

    Then you need to forward port 80. To learn about doing this, go to ( and select your router. Then click on "Default guide" in one of the top paragraphs.

    Once you've done all this your server host will need a cPanel ( so the users can control their hosting space.

    For the server computers themselves, you need to have a decent processor (Intel Xeon is best) and a high amount of RAM. You also need to install PHP Apache and MySQL databases, along with decent anti-virus softwares and a firewall. As for the Operating System, you should consider Windows Server 2003 or better yet, Linux/Unix.

    Starting and managing a web host costs a lot of money, so you'd better think about it before buying that domain.

    And since you don't even want to bother learning PHP/MySql, you need to hire someone to make a website for you.

    There is no ONE script that will set up everything for you.

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