
Where can I find a front license plate personalized with my initials?

by Guest55941  |  earlier

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Nothing fancy, just a plate with my initials, perhaps engraved is how I have seen them before. I have searched the internet and cannot find a simple plate.




  1. you need to go to your local license plate office, and request a personalized plate, it will cost you a little more, but if it is not already been taken by someone else you are in business.

  2., maybe?

  3. Most places that sell them, like at your local mall will air brush them for you.

  4. That depends on the state. Here in Virginia we have to have actual state tags on the front and back of the vehicle. But, you can go to the DMV and order personalized plates with whatever you want as long as its not offensive. I'm not really sure what other states require the front and back tags, but if its an unofficial tag you could check at a mall maybe, or keep searching the net i'm sure their somewhere on here.

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