
Where can I find a generic homeschool scope and sequence?

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One that I can add to or take away from for my children's homeschool needs?? I am not using one curriculum, I am using pieces from a few different curriculum's. Thanks!




  1. The book Series "What every 1st, 2nd,..grader needs to Know" is a nice overall scope and sequence book by grade level. Every state seems to be a little different so it's difficult to find one scope and sequence.

    Best of Luck to You!


  2. You can search for World Book Encyclopedia's "Typical Course of Study" (or maybe it's just "Course of Study"?)  It lists what students usually study in each grade. also has this list, with links to some helpful online resources.  Not all, but some.

    Either way, you can print it out and check off what you've seen that your kids have mastered, as they go.  That way, you don't have to be afraid of "missing something".

    Happy Homeschooling!

  3. The World Book site someone else mentioned is good, another is "The Well Trained Mind", though I recommend using only as a rough guide, not trying to implement every suggestion.  It has a nice outline of how to cover  Science, History, and Literature, but it tends to be unrealistic in the amount of work a child can do in one day.

    You might find some of these links helpful to supplement what you are using:

    Preschool through 6th:  (Free learning site, preschool to 2nd grade) (Free worksheets) (Free learning site with purchased membership)  (free learning site with purchased membership.) (links to lots of sites) (has some learning links)  (free preschool stuff)  (Meteorology studies)

    Will continue in the "source" section.


    Considering the laws you told about.

    I would show the scope and sequence from world-book, but first review it and make an changes in order to make it truly reflect what you plan to do.  In addition I would make up a "materials used" list to present, showing that you are using Math from publisher A, and History from Publisher B.  You might also look into the teacher's guides for each subject, many times they will include a scope a sequence for that subject.  Put them all together and you have a scope and sequence for the whole year.  If any of the materials don't have a scope and sequence, try looking through the table of contents to the text.  Very often simply altering the wording yields a fairly accurate scope and sequence.

    For another sample of a scope and sequence, go to the Alpha Omega sight, they have one you can download for free.

    it simply go to  and type in the search box "Scope and sequence"  you will see options for viewing the scope and sequence for the Horizons, Life Pac, or SOS curriculum.

  4. Check out the World Book Encyclopedia website.  In the parents section, they have a Typical Course of Study year-by-year.

    A Beka has a Scope and Sequence as well-I think it is available for download on their website.  If not, it is free-request a free catalog and include a note for them to please include the Scope and Sequence for you.

    The What Your ___ Grader Needs To Know books are a good overview, and they now go from Preschool-Sixth Grade.

    I hope this helps, and wish you the best!

    EDITED TO ADD:  Your state's Department of Education website might have one as well, if you want to check that out for comparison.


    This site has a pretty good one for each grade level. But also wanted to mention and you might already know of the site, but if not it is really good for blank homeschool forms, and she even has some charts that you can customize:  

  6. We use the scope and sequence from the public school webpage.

    We don't follow it to the letter but simply use it as a resource of ideas of things to study and skills that need to be accomplished.

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