
Where can I find a gig guide for NZ?

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I am moving to New Zealand soon and as a lover of live music I was wondering if there were any websites that are a comprehensive gig guide for all NZ?




  1. try or for Auckland

  2. Difficult to answer this question as the more way out a band is, the less likely it is to advertise by conventional methods. They may try to get noticed, by placing posters on power poles and lamp posts.

    As they get more recognition they may advertise in the once a week gig guide pages of the daily paper circulating in the area.

    They may also advertise in the weekly paper of the area - usually a free one.

    There are special purpose "Gig Guides" published for the main centres, but they are very choosy about which type of music and which bands they will support.

    I guess it's really a case of keeping your ear to the ground once you get here, and pick out the direction you wish to follow.

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