
Where can I find a good acting agent in Wichita, Kansas?

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I am trying to get info on stardom. I want to be famous, and the only thing I need is a good agent! Please tell me if you know of a good acting agent in Wichita! I have already looked up an agency called The Gregory Agency but one of my friends uses this agency and she isn't getting anywhere with modeling. Please help me!




  1. First of all, most on-line site are complete scams.  A quick search on the Gregory agency didn't bring up much but hopefuls saying they had "signed" with the agency.

    Honestly, there's not much of an acting market in Wichita.  If you're trying to go professional and get paid to act, you need to live in LA or NY.

    Try the Ross Reports to find reputable agencies.

    Never pay an "agent".  They take their cut after you get a job and get paid.

    Try the site for good information.

  2. Go online and try to find what you are looking for and then choose what you want. good luck.


    Create a profile, talk to agents, find all the local roles they are casting for.

    Good luck and don't forget to metion me on Grammy night ;)

  4. Wichita is not the place to be to be getting an agent. This is a 'town', not a city, and is very insular and cliquish.  It is strictly local and small potatoes.  Unless you're planning to stay here and raise a family, I would concentrate on getting out of there and moving somewhere that you can seriously pursue your ambitions.

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