
Where can I find a good criminal attorney that will take a case and get paid after it is won?

by  |  earlier

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My belongings were stolen while I was out of the country, I filed charges when I returned, but the "sheriff" refused to do anything about it, said it was civil and I would have to hire an attorney. After contacting many, I cannot afford them, as I make minimum wage and do not have thousands of $$ for a retainer. Is there a site for pro-bono attorney's and if so, what is the best way to contact them?




  1. Dude, first of all you are not looking for a criminal lawyer.

    Sounds like a roommate or spouse or someone else you know took your stuff.  

    No lawyer is going to take your case for a piece of the settlement unless your belongings were worth at least tens of thousands of dollars.  

    Something tells me your isn't worth that much and the case would be a complete pain in the butt.

    Pro Bono is another thing and they don't do your type of case.

    In all seriousness your best bet is Judge Judy

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