
Where can I find a good history of Big Empty Spot before 1948?

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And the non-existent people who lived there?




  1. I would recommend "Big Empty Spot:A Study in Sociological Hallucination and the Friends of Zion" by Dr. Mordechai Twiddlebaum-ben-Zippo (Tel Aviv: 1982),an excellent survey of the appalling efforts by lying Arabs around the world to establish the patently false claim that there were people in The Land Without People before 1948. The good doctor clearly establishes that until May 14,1948 when 6 million holodox survivors showed up at the beach no human had stood on that hallowed ground since 135 A.D. A fine,scholarly work,drenched with foot-notes that refer to unavailable sources,and sources that only refer back to his study.

  2. Lawrence of Arabia wrote a book about the place, and included the very British betrayal of their Arab allies after WWI ended as an appendix.

  3. have you tried looking online?

    Try every search engine like yahoo, google, lycos and any others you can think of.

    the world wide web has a little about everything.

  4. In any ACTUAL history book of ancient times........

  5. The Jews know it as their Holy Land. Supposedly,given to them by God many, many years ago. The land is also considered the land Jesus walked by Christians and the land Muhammad walked by Muslims. Neither one can accept the other as all three religions come from long lines of pride. Believe or not though Islam and Christianity can both trace their roots to Judaism. Though many of both don't want to admit it.

  6. Every history school book in Israel and the US, of course.

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