
Where can I find a good sample donation solitication letter for our school walkathon?

by Guest66827  |  earlier

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Where can I find a good sample donation solitication letter for our school walkathon?

We are having our first annual PTA sponsored walkathon this spring. I need to start soliciting donations right away. I'm not a very comfortable writer, so i'd like to find some sample donation solitiation letters to help me write it. We are going to be asking local (and out of area) businesses to donate items that can either be given away as prizes to the kids or auctioned off to the parents in a silent auction. I've never planned a walkathon before, so any help you can offer would be much appreciated. Thanks!




  1. You may want to take a look at these links:

    This gives an outline on how to write the letter

    This is a link to a sample letter

    One of the best ways to raise money when you're participating in a run/walk event is a fundraising letter. This is also one of the easiest fundraisers! You are simply writing a letter to family and friends asking them to join you in supporting a worthy charity. Your only costs are for paper and postage, so all of the proceeds go directly to the cause.

    Fundraising Letters asking for a financial gift work especially well for organizations that support a specific cause. This includes groups such as health advocacy, hunger or disaster relief, and public arts such as museums and symphonies. These are groups that people can easily identify as contributing to the community and the world.

    Hope it helps and good luck with the walkathon

  2. if  the rest of the PTA are as bad as you i feel sorry for the school and kids if out of the  whole p t a no one knows

    perhaps the p t a need re educating

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