
Where can I find a good website for creating preschool custom name tracing pages?

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Does anyone know a good website for creating custom tracing pages for children's names? I know kidzone has them, but I don't like how they make the t's with the curve and not straight down. Also, I would like to choose how big the font is if possible. Thanks!




  1. ?! Really. !?  A child can copy letters, age 3 they kinda look like a  letter. By age 4, you see recognizable letters. Just let your child write his name on notes, letters home, on his artwork, ect.  I write the child's name on a piece of paper in orange highlighter. I then laminate the name cards for the kids in my class, They 'sign in' in the morning, starting off by copying their name from the name card. They can also trace over the card with a dark Crayola crayon, which can wipe-off with a tissue. Easy, reusable. Teaching handwriting is best left to when the child is in school, and developmentally ready (visual skills for handwriting do not develop till around age 5) Right now the goal should be recognizing letters, and how letters form words, and how words form sentences ( a progression for each step) And allowing the child to 'practice' writing in meaningful ways.  

  2. I was able to download some of these tracing fonts on

    It is a free website and I know there are several on there. You can change the size like you would change the font on a regular word document so it is super easy to you.

  3. Here are a few links: (has font size option)

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