
Where can I find a great job working from home without fees and for traveling military spouses?

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Latest Message from Tyler:July 06th, 2006

Hey My People.

I trust that you all had a great "FOUF" of July, as my daddy says.

I had to come on and tell you how well the DVD is going. To every one of you that passed the bootleggers and went to legitimate stores and bought The Videos, I just want to say thank you. Because you did that, I am able to stay in business. You make the difference. Yes you! . . . one person at a time.

I haven't gotten the official count yet, but I know that all three videos are doing well. I can tell that from the messages on the board. You all are loving these plays. Again, I think "Madea Goes to Jail" is my best work. If you don't have it yet, WALMART has one of the best prices; last week it was like 13 dollars or something. Anyway, thanks again.

If you know someone who has not seen any of the Madea plays please get one for them. Not only will it make them laugh but it is an effective tool to motivate, minister, and inspire while making them




  1. What is your talent?  What do you enjoy?  See if you're able to provide a service or product of your interest, and other's need.

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