
Where can I find a group (online) that can help me with the recent death of my 6 yr. old son?

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My handicapped son recently passed away and I am having a hard time dealing with it. I need some sort of free counseling or a group to join. Please help!




  1. alexa, you are a jerk!!!!!!!! if you are going thru her Qs, then you would see that she has other children!!!

    Im soo sorry for your loss.

  2. i dont believe you sorry but i had seen your question


    Sorry why is there no mention of her 6 year old here ?

    Oh and a 9 month old here you forget about your other kids when you make your questions up

  4. Are you glad you came here for kind words?  I dont mention all of my kids in every one of my questions/answers either.  Only the one that the question pertains to.  At least now I can better prepare for the crucifixion to come.

    I am so embarassed on behalf on this forum.  I'm disgusted on what I've seen posted over the last week.  Some of these people are my friends.  

    I get the whole troll thing.  I'm all for ousting trolls.  But there's a huge difference between confusing, even eyebrow raising, and a post that screams troll.  Let's assume the asker is genuine, not dishonest.  If you're not sure, don't post.  One of these days you're going to make a broken hearted mother go to pieces with your suspicion.  So what if 3 trolls go by in the meantime.  Honestly, who-t-f cares?  This isn't an extermination process, and it's never worth that one person.

    I'm pretty sure I'll never be able to successfully post here again, so I really hope my sacrifice on your behalf wasn't in vain.  I wanted to make sure that someone said something kind to you, and stuck up for you.  I too have a special needs child and each day is a gift.  I strived to do well in this forum to be known as a person who gives good advice, not to be lumped in with bullies.  So if I'm not wanted, I'm okay with that.  I'm well aware how to become popular.  

    I have no way of knowing if you're genuine or not, but I'd like to assume that you are, and need solace.  I'm really sorry if/that you lost a child.  I don't even know how to begin to survive something like that.  For starters, surround yourself with people who are kind.  I don't personally know of an online support group for you to reach out to.  I was going to suggest this one, but perhaps that's not the best idea.  In their defense, they're a great bunch when they're not kicking teenage trolls out of here, but I suppose it's too late to defend what's been said to you.

    To the others, if she didn't, well the joke's on me. I have big shoulders, I can take it.  I like to believe people are honest.  You can call that naiive, you can even call it stupid.  I bet a lot of people would be impressed with a little humility around here.  From the experts.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    "One of these days you're going to make a broken hearted mother go to pieces with your suspicion."  From the looks of Mommylovesjet's add on, that day was today.   Mommylovesjet, I am so sorry you couldn't get helpful advice or support here.  My heart is broken for you.  My email address is attached, I have a special needs child too, and maybe a good chat is just what the doctor ordered.  I'm all choked up writing this.  You were unjustly let down today.

  5. i dont know, but i'll be glad to listen to you.  

  6.  try that, and I'm very sorry for your loss

  7. Looks like many people already gave you ideas.  Here are a few more below.

    Very sorry for your loss as well as sorry for all the heartless and cruel answers you also endured.  May God grant your child rest and grant you a peaceful heart in remembering your child from better days.

    "God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."



  9. Wow, the trolls have really shown what damage they can do!  There have been so many trolls on lately, that people are being quite suspicious.  It's a shame that automatically it's assumed that someone is lying.  The trolls are winning when this happens.   I like to wear my rose colored glasses and believe that most people are honest.  

    When I went back and went through her questions, there is a several month gap where this question asker went missing, probably due to the death of her son, which is mentioned in this question;...  

    I don't mention all my children in each of my questions, and if you look at the guidelines, your questions are supposed to be "to the point".  Life does go on after a child dies.  I can't even imagine it, but when you have other children, you still have to be there for them.  My husband and I got married one month after his brother died from lukemia.  Our wedding was planned, his death wasn't. But life goes on.  

    As for a response to your question. I'm so sorry for your loss.  iVillage has a message board/group you can join.  

    I have found the women at iVillage to be very compassionate and helpful.  The autism support board there got me throught the worst times right after my daughter was diagnosed with autism 7 years ago.  I am so grateful for the support I got there back then that I went back to be a leader to give back a bit of what I took away.   ((HUGS))

  10. your county health center should have the information you need, usually offered free or reduced pricing. I'm so sorry for your loss

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