
Where can I find a happy place?

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Hi. I'm going into my sophomore year of high school. Problem is, I HATE school. It's not because of the workload, it's more that I'm an anti-social wreck that shies away from any predicament involving others. Yeah.

So I was wondering. Can you think of a place or thing that I can do that can make me feel happy, satisfied, excited, whatever that doesn't involve being around people? It's like, I would LOVE doing so many things - movies, rallies, concerts, etc - but they all involve so many people and I can't STAND it anymore than I have to.

I hope I don't seem like a whiny teenager. I do make an effort to help people who need it around the globe, activism IS my main priority. It's just hard to be less self-centered when you're really self-conscious. So I hope you don't resent me too much for asking this question.

Wow, this is really pathetic, but I don't even care, so I'm just gonna press continue now...




  1. You're fortunate to be living in a technological age, where you can affect a large number of people without ever seeing them face to face. If global activism is a priority for you, create a website that will raise money for a worthy cause. You can connect with people around the world who share your sense of responsibility without ever meeting anyone face to face.

    School is another issue. If you want to finish high school, you may have to learn to deal with the aspects you don't like. It's not a bad lesson to learn -- life is full of challenges like that, and you might as well figure out how to deal with them.

    However, once you've finished school, you can stay as isolated as you want. The Internet will provide you with endless opportunities for global activism, all available from your own home.

    Good luck. The world needs people like you.

  2. Join a club at school that doesn't have many people in it. This environmental club at my school called the Green Team only has four members. Or maybe you could do something with computers? You work alone on a computer...

  3. It would be nice for you to have at least one person who you can trust to be free with.  Then you could do these things with this other person.  Are  you afraid to commit to people because of the stress of expectations one might have on you, and you fearing that you might not amount to what they expect?  You know that's not too uncommon.  There's nothing wrong with that, either.  I don't know if that is something you face.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that you can be friends with people, but it can be on your terms and in small groups.  

    You could find activities that keep you jogging.  You might consider having a furry companion to give care to.  Dogs are great listeners.  :).  Reading is another.  Playing music is another.  

    But first and foremost, accept that you are not a social person.  It's okay.  But be productive, and look into your interest with helping people in need.  You never know, you may some day make a career in something surrounding that and you might find your nitch in the world.  You seem very much like myself.

  4. I felt the same way when I was at school. The library was my sanctuary or just getting involved in reading -----total escape. At other times walking is a good way of being in places where there are not a lot of others and the further you walk from a transport area (cars, buses, trains...) the more isolated it becomes. Hiking or trekking in the park is also a good outlet and you can take your book along with you. Also good idea to take the guard dog. His teeth look good at a distance and only you need to know how unguard like he is. I travelled all over the state as a teenager with my guard dog (german shepard) and never got myself into any trouble as she would occassionally flash her teeth-----amazing how polite people can be. I do believe that without such a companion  my experiences would be different ! (((hugs)))

  5. Face it, you're going to have to conquer your issue some day. That day might not be today, but it could be tomorrow if you let it be.

    For now...find an artistic hobby to keep you happy. Writing, painting, drawing, music, anything!! You could also play games by yourself. Make your "happy place" a hobby that you especially enjoy. Join a club based on that activity.

    Hey, you say you love helping people, right? Join an environmental club. There might not be so many people that have joined it, so you might feel better around less people. It's small steps to your goal of being comfortable around all kind of people.

  6. church when you go in dont look at everyone just sit down because you are not  in there to be with them; just to be with your father pray if his will to make things better for you and have faith because he is the only one that can help you and he will i promise  

  7. Why would you want to go to a place to spend time alone, rather than just fixing your problem? Because you're going to make your life a living-h**l if you just isolate yourself from everyone else.

    Maybe this site might help you?

  8. Do something in your community with older people that won't make you feel self-concious.Offer to mow a lawn and just hang out and chat after. Older people have a wealth of information they are SO willing to share. When I was your age I learned so many things that I wouldn't trade for anything!

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