
Where can I find a homeschool teacher?

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I've been enrolled in my home school for a while now and I do it all by myself. Since my Mom has to work all day she can't help me as much so I need a home school teacher.




  1. I'm unsure of where you live, but my children go through a charter school for their homeschooling.  They stay home and I do teach them (they're pretty young), and once a month my teacher comes in and makes sure I have all work completed and goals met and we make up a plan for the next month.  The Charter school gives each child a fund for curriculum, extra curricular classes, and yes if there was a subject I couldn't teach it would pay for somebody to teach that to my children.  It's very much worth it as I know that my children's needs are being met, and they're not walking away cheated in anything at the end of the year.  You might want to do a web search for a Charter School in your state/county, then do some calls, get some info and talk to your parents.  Good luck!

  2. It'd be far cheaper to sign up with an online or correspondence program. Although, "enrolled in my home school"--does that mean you are already signed up with a school? Then you already have teachers, if that's the case. If you need a twice a week tutor or something, try homeschooling groups in your area and look or post in the classifieds in your local paper.

  3. you can put an ad in the classifieds-education employmenty section

    put an ad on

  4. A homeschool teacher *is* your parent.  You can do correspondence or online schooling with a teacher to instruct you.  It sounds like that's not what you have, though.

    To do what you are looking for is called a private tutor, and it's *not* cheap - typically $20/hour and up.  If you only need a tutor for when you're stuck, you may be able to swing the cost.  Or you could find another HS'er ahead of you who could help.  My son plans on tutoring when he's a bit older.

  5. Check out this book:  You can get a used copy from Amazon.  It has many, many ideas for learning opportunities within your community.

    Be well.

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