
Where can I find a hypoallergenic cat?

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I found a place that specially breeds cats and dogs to have no allergens that is proven to work but to get one (, I would have to wait 12 months. I really don't think I could wait that long truth be told, so does anybody know of any places that I can buy a similar cat with a shorter wait time? Thanks!




  1. There are several established breeds of hypoallergenic cat which costs a fraction of the rip-off Allerca cats- if they ever truly materialise... Try a Sphynx, a Cornish Rex a Devon Rex or a LaPerm. They are all lovely cats. Only buy from a reputable breeder, preferably one who belongs to a bona fide breed club. Remember that hypoallergenic means that they are less allergenic but no cat is totally nonallergenic. You will still need to take certain steps like keeping cats out of the bredroom and using anti-allergen lotion or wipes on their coats. Good luck.

  2. You can wash your cat regularly, and take allergy shots or pills for yourself, and get a good undercoat comb that will take away alot of allergens. I think that sounds ridiculous about the breeding, but I have never heard of that before.  

  3. I looked it up for you, and I found one site that sells siberian cats and kittens, which are supposed to be hypollergenic. Allerca does have a long waiting list, not to mention an exorbitant asking price of about $4,000, so hopefully you'll find this website useful. Maybe you can get a kitten before you know it. :)

    I've included the link to the site I found.

  4. Lexi's bed and hair. and tub. and dog cage

  5. Since the allergies come from the pets dander and saliva ,the cats from allerca may still cause problems. Also,with all the cats in shelters,I think this company should be ashamed of themselves. They are contributing to the problem by breeding.

  6. My husband and I are both sensitive to cats.

    We looked online under:  list hypoallergenic cats.

    At that time the Bengal, Siamese, and another breed which we have forgotten were listed.

    We opted for a pet-quality Bengal kitten from a reputable breeder; he (neutered) is the best pet we've ever had.

  7. I am allergic to cats so wasn't planning to get one even though I love them! My stray kitty turned up and let me know she was moving in though, so I just made some adjustments.

    I take antihistamines most days of the week. I keep my bedroom door closed so she never goes in there. I wash my hands every time I pet her. If she's going to sit with me, I put a blanket over me, and there's a person side and a kitty side to minimize furr transfer. I brush her regularly, and she gets a quick bath about every 2 months (poor thing).

    It helps that she is shorthair. I have heard that certain color cats are also less allergenic for most folks (I can't remember if it's the light ones or dark ones--but I'm sure an easy google would tell you).

    So, it's just an option to try to rescue a kitty from a shelter, trying to choose a less furry one of the appropriate color, if you are willing to make some changes. Of course it depends on how bad your allergies are--I also was taking allergy shots for other allergies, so I asked my doctor to put the cat component in them as well--at first he was reluctant bc my allergy on skin testing was so severe, but now I get shots, too, and that might be helping.

    I know it sounds like a lot to do for a little kitty who turned up in my back yard a few years ago, but cat lovers will understand how much I love her and how it's so worth it!

  8. kristyns closet =]

  9. you can get that bald one

  10. I'm not sure... but a machine washable one with a HEPA filter and maybe antimicrobial fur would be nice... especially if I can get a black one with a white back stripe and deep blue eyes. Do they come in floral scents? or "New cat smell"?

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