
Where can I find a job? I'm 13 and live in Portsmouth (UK)?

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and I really DON'T want to do a paper round x




  1. You could do some baby sitting apart from that i don't know

  2. isn't that against the law? child labour?

  3. 2points

  4. Between 13 and the MSLA (minimum school leaving age) you will be restricted in what jobs you are legally allowed to do. For example, factory or building site work is almost certainly out of the question. Apparently (according to the Health & Safety Executive website), your local council has the right to put other restrictions on what jobs people of your age can do. But I don't know if Portsmouth City Council have done that. You could always get in touch with to see what advice they could offer.

    There may also be other age restrictions on certain responsibilities such as handling money, looking after kids etc. Again, the council can probably tell you about that. Or do you have a careers advisor at school?

    Most importantly, what kind of work would you want to do? There's no harm in going to a company/shop etc and asking. They can only say no.

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