
Where can I find a journal like in the Princess Diaries?

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The journal that Mia uses is brown and gold and she has to press her heart locket into it to open it. The lock part isn`t as important, but where can I get a journal that looks very royal like that? Dark brown with gold lining and maybe a fancy border?




  1. I think I've seen something like that at Borders....

  2. I always buy Journals for my writing. Usually I can find some decent ones at Walden's Books (I could Live in that store) Their a lot better on their prices. However if you after some extremely nice journals, your best bet is to browse Barnes and Noble. Each Journal cost different, depending on how large it is, and what it may be bound with, some journals are made of genuine leather, so of course they'd be pricey, but there are some decent deals there as well. Google out Journals sometimes you can find a good one on ebay, but not always.  

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