
Where can I find a land surveyor who is just starting out or one that will charge rock bottom fees?

by  |  earlier

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I am selling a rental property and I don't want to pay $2000 as I usually do because the property is only worth $12,000.

I'm in the Buffalo, NY area and was hoping to find a student who just became licensed.




  1. There is no such thing.

    A surveyor who has just received his license from the State has already been doing surveys for about 7 or 8 years.   It takes that long to pass the exams and get the experience.

    Most states have mandatory filing laws and compliance issues that the surveyor must file or he will lose that license he worked so hard to get.  So, even if you find one who will short cut a few steps, you are likely getting quality equal to your payment (you get what you pay for), so when the new owner finds a problem in the work and sues YOUR butt, you will be left high and dry with an improperly filed and executed survey.

    Then you will REALLY be scr*wed and that $2,000 will look like a bargain.


  2. Students cannot certify a survey...that is why they are students.

    If you are paying $2K for a survey, man, did someone rip you off.

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