
Where can I find a landline phone in the UK that has voicemail and takes messages?

by  |  earlier

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I am starting a business (in the uk) and looking for a phone that will revert to voicemail when I am talking on the phone and that will take messages if I am out.

I would like it to have a visual alert ie a flashing light or text in the display so I know a message has been left. In an ideal world it would also beep to let me know there is a message waiting

Any ideas??




  1. Why not just use the BT 1571 service? The basic service is free but if you pay a small monthly fee you get the facility to record your own greeting, access the voicemail from another location etc. You can also get a small 'callminder' device for a couple of pounds on eBay that flashes a light if there's a message waiting.

    If you have an answering machine then it cannot take message when you are on the phone - as the phone line would be engaged!

  2. EBAY

  3. Tesco on line - you can see the specification of each phone to see if it meets your requirements. They actually do a wide selection.

  4. Try the BT Aqua from   WWW.BT.COM It's fantastic, and you can put a sim card in and text from it too!

  5. i think tesco should have them

  6. The only answering service that can take a message whist you are on the phone, is an exchange based one. - BT Call Answer is the obvious choice, it's free, or if you want to change the greeting its a few quid per month. To know a call is waiting "beep" in ear when on call, then you need Call waiting, I would also invest in a caller display module, then you have all your bases covered.

    Hope this helps?

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