
Where can I find a list of all bridges in the North East and their heights?

by Guest65977  |  earlier

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I would like to input these into my GPS unit for my brother-in-law and father-in-law who are truck drivers. I would also like to make this list available to all truck drivers once I put it together for free because trucks make the world keep moving and the lazy people who own TomTom refuse to do it.




  1. Brian there is a truck specific gps unit available that has tha info already in it.the problem with a list is that bridge heights change all the time due to resurfacing of highways and frost lifting of roads,as a 40 year driver we appreciate your efforts.But you ca find them in any truckers atlas.Thank You for your concern

  2. in a truckers road atlas but thay are probbly not layed out in a list you mite have to go threw each route and list them youre self

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