
Where can I find a list of average household appliance energy usages?

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I'd like to find out which appliances top the list of energy-guzzlers in a household, and which ones are energy-cheap to use. For example, do fridges (on average) consume more energy than freezers? Tankless water heaters (electric) vs. electric water tank? Lamps? Coffeemakers? Computer vs. Laptop? Vacuum cleaners?

I'm looking for data on average consumption rates, not ready to get into brand/model specific specs. I'm interested in this because I'd like to know which, if any, appliances we use that we could do without may be taking a huge bite out of our energy bill. Wish we could go "off the grid", but first things first: need to know what we can do without and what we should try to accommodate. Thanks!




  1. You can go to the website where you will find ratings for all the different types and brands of appliances.

  2. Although this site does  not completely answer you question, it will help to point you in right direction.

  3. google it

  4. This is really a much better question for a search engine than for YahooAnswers.   People on Y!A are inclined to give their "opinions" about what uses more or less.   A search engine will give you access to lists provided by utilities or consumer groups, based on hard data analysis.

    I did a search on "typical household appliance electricity usage" and found the following links.

    Good luck.

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